===================================================================== Title : BRIDGE ASSAULT Filename : bridge.pud Author : The Elf (Darren Tuetken) Email Address : elf@cybergate.com Misc. Author Info : I would like feedback Description : Very Challenging. You are the orcs, and you must cross a bridge at the center of the map to reach your opponent (3 humans). Human properties have been altered significantly to allow the computer to upgrade quickly. Orcs pay a little more for some of the advanced units, and the Death and Decay spell is unavailable. The NPC's (Uther, Lothar, Guldan, Zuljin and Chogall) have had their attributes raised to be truly heroic. The orc heroes are held prisoner in different locations. The human heroes are one man militias. Hints : Player 1 gets hit hard right off the bat by a fair sized group of archers, level 5 footmen and level 5 knights. Players 2-4 need to send all their starting troops to the upper left corner to help player 1 on this initial attack, or player 1 will get wiped out immediately. Additional Credits to : Blizzard... and let's see WC3 sometime soon : Albert "Master Harvestor" Ramirez : Jim "You guys must be cheating" Stuart : Kenny "Humans suck" Lindamood ===================================================================== * Play Information * Game : Warcraft II Players : 4 cooperative. Only 1 or 2 players is impossible. Not suitable for a free for all. Race : Default, won't play well if changed Resources : Default preferred, other settings will probably make the scenario easier. Units : Default preferred, other settings will probably make the scenario easier. Known Bugs : When everyone is in full production mode there were tons of units and our network slowed down considerably. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build their own levels. You MAY distribute this PUD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.